The Neighborhood Preschool
The Neighborhood Preschool is a multi-aged community preschool program that is aligned with the district’s vision. The program incorporates research-based practices in a play-based model that includes active learning, creativity, exploration, and student initiated learning. Intentional instruction targets all areas of development with a strong focus on pre-literacy, math, science, language, self-regulation, and interpersonal skills.
To provide a quality and developmentally appropriate preschool program for all Community Consolidated School District 181 preschoolers.
An innovative preschool program that excels in preparing children for today and tomorrow.
It is the mission of the District 181 Neighborhood Preschool Program to provide opportunities for children to achieve their personal best in a safe, productive and nurturing classroom community. The Neighborhood Preschool believes that all children can learn and grow with research based, developmentally appropriate materials and practices and partnership with families, the community, and stakeholders.
Oak Elementary School
The Neighborhood Preschool
Address: 950 S Oak St, Hinsdale, IL 60521
Phone: (630) 861-4300
Fax: (630) 861-4352
Preschool Am: 8:25am - 10:55am
Preschool Pm: 12:15pm - 2:45pm
Principal, Oak School
Effey Nassis
Pupil Services Administrator
Megan Byrne
Oak Building Admin. Assistant
Stephanie Konieczka
ECE Building Admin. Assistant
Marianne Freza