Typical Day
Typical Day
School Hours
Morning 8:25-10:55am
Afternoon 12:15-2:45pm
Morning/Afternoon Routine
Student independence is fostered upon arrival to school, where children are encouraged to manage their outerwear and materials independently. Students wash hands upon entry into the classroom and then engage in highly motivating gross motor activities specially designed by the occupational therapist to promote academic readiness and eye-hand coordination.
Morning/Afternoon Meeting
The morning meeting is an opportunity for the class to come together to start the day. To begin, students take turns choosing a warm-up song on the interactive digital white board. The warm-up song is a musical break integrating large motor movements. Next, students practice saying the Pledge of Allegiance. Then, the daily schedule is reviewed and students have the opportunity to ask questions and share their thoughts. Lastly, a story is read followed by a discussion or activity incorporating goals and lessons from the unit.
Gross Motor
Students participate in gross motor activities each day. Twice a week, students attend a 25-minute physical education class with a P.E. teacher. Three days a week, students are provided a 25-minute outdoor recess time on the newly installed preschool playground designed specifically for children ages 3-5. In the event of inclement weather, students enjoy gross motor activities in the gym rather than outside.
Small Group
Students participate in large group, small group, and individual instruction by certified teachers. Teachers deliver instruction to the whole class during large group instruction and include a combination of literacy, writing, language, fine motor, and math activities driven by learning objectives. Small group and individual instruction allows for further differentiation for a wide range of learners.
Center Time
During center time, students are able to make their own decisions regarding which activities and centers they would like to participate in that day. Centers are play-based yet focus on learning standards, and they are related to the monthly unit. Routines are established to encourage problem solving, social skills, and independence. Snack is included during this time.
Dramatic Play
Dramatic play incorporates imagination, following directions, gross and fine motor, social communication, initiating communication, and the development of prepositional, descriptive, and pragmatic vocabulary.
Closing Circle
Closing circle grants the teachers and students a time to come together for the end of the day. Depending on the unit, this may include reading of supplemental text, summarizing what was learned during the day, questions, brainstorming opportunities, and on Fridays - a Mystery Reader!
Students’ dismissal routine includes retrieving their folder and snack bag, packing their backpack, putting on their coat, and lining up quietly in either the car line or bus line.