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District 181 Safety

District 181 is committed to the safety and security of students, staff, and visitors. In order to support that commitment, the District has developed a Safety & Crisis Committee, which includes members of fire and police departments, along with District administrators.

Communicating in a Crisis

The following communication channels are available to keep our District families and staff informed about District emergencies, including snow days and cold days:

  • Visit the District website at Emergency notifications such as snow day decisions will be visible on the homepage.
  • Watch for a tweet from us @CCSD181.
  • Listen for an automated call sent via SchoolMessenger.
  • Watch for an email sent via SchoolMessenger.
  • Watch for a text message sent via SchoolMessenger.
  • Use the Emergency Closing Center’s resources. The ECC allows users to sign-up for e-mail alerts when a facility changes its status to "closed." You can also visit the ECC website to check a school facility's status.
  • Check with local media. TV and radio stations are notified of a school closing via the Emergency Closing Center.

Snow Days / Cold Weather Days

We do our best to keep schools open, but there are days when the weather is so severe that it is impossible to transport children safely or without undue hardship on them and on families, as well as District 181 staff. After consulting with our bus company, District 181 Buildings and Grounds personnel, and various local agencies, we may declare a “snow day” or "cold weather day" and school would then be cancelled. More information is available at

Required Drills

  • (3) Fire / Evacuation (including one with active participation from the fire department)
  • (3) Lockdown (with students in place) (including one unannounced drill in response to an “active shooter” with law enforcement)
  • (1) Bus Evacuation
  • (1) Severe Weather

Sex Offender Information

Public Act 94-994 requires schools to notify parents that information about sex offenders is available to the public. The names and addresses of all registered sex offenders in the State of Illinois are listed by county and posted for public access on the following link: