SELAS Committee

Social Emotional Learning for Academic Success

"Skills for Learning, Skills for Life"

SELAS logoSocial emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults acquire the knowledge, attitudes, and skills they need to:

  • Develop self-awareness and self-management skills to achieve school and life success
  • Use social awareness and interpersonal skills to establish and maintain positive relationships
  • Demonstrate decision-making skills and responsible decision-making behaviors in personal, school, and community contexts (ISBE, IL SEL Learning Goals)

Research shows numerous benefits that can result from the development of these skills, including:

  • Academic improvement
  • Positive social behavior
  • Fewer conduct problems
  • Less emotional distress (

The mission of SELAS is to provide the school community with the foundation for lifelong social and emotional learning in a safe and caring environment.

To that end, quality SEL instruction in which students learn to process, integrate, and selectively apply SEL skills in developmentally, contextually, and culturally appropriate ways in a safe, caring, participatory and responsive school climate is fundamental. This work is guided by the Illinois SEL Standards which articulate the content and skills expected for students K-12.

The SELAS Advisory Committee serves to support leadership, coordination, and consistency of SEL as it is delivered across the school district and throughout the school day. The Advisory Committee is composed of administrators, teachers, and support staff.

Parents volunteer to support SELAS through their involvement in their children’s schools and on school-based committees. All SELAS parents across the district come together in meetings several times a year to share information, ideas, and resources.