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All students in kindergarten through eighth grade are eligible for bus transportation if they live 1.5 miles or more from the school building they attend, or if they must cross an Illinois Department Of Transportation (IDOT) approved Serious Safety Hazard to get to school. Students not eligible for bus service are not permitted to ride the bus to a friend's house, relative's house, babysitters, etc.

Those who qualify for bus service will receive a message asking them to confirm the need for bus service by completing the Opt-InForm, which will be available July 1, 2024 - July 15, 2024, in Skyward Family Access. The Opt-In Transportation Form must be completed in order to receive bus service. This information will allow us to finalize our routes, bus stops, and seating capacity. Only routing those students who need regular bus service allows us to efficiently manage bus routes and district resources. 

Bus routes for the 2024-2025 school year will be made available to families in Skyward Family Access beginning August 7, 2024. CCSD 181 contracts its regular student transportation services with First Student, Inc.  Please check Skyward Family Access for bus transportation information to and from school. General transportation questions may be directed to your school office or the business office at

Bus Conduct:
Students are expected to conduct themselves in an orderly manner while traveling in school district transportation vehicles. Consideration of the rights and well-being of others, respect for drivers, and regard for public property should always govern student action. 
All buses are equipped with video cameras and recorders. This helps to provide additional safety and security for our students and staff. Detailed information about expected student behavior and disciplinary procedures can be found in the District 181 Student Handbook. 

Parent-Paid Transportation:
District 181 offers a Pay-to-Ride program, which allows families who reside less than 1.5 miles from their school buildings to purchase a seat for transportation to and from school, if available. This program is only offered if seating capacity is available on existing routes. Priority will be given to individuals who are the farthest from school grounds. 

Once seating is available and a family qualifies, the cost for the program is $790 for a single rider and $1,260 for families with two or more riders. Information on the Pay-to-Ride program is typically made available in early September. 

Transportation Details by Building