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PTO Registration and Purchases

Once you have completed D181 registration, please be sure to complete tasks for your school PTO(s) such as supply kit ordering, PTO registration, directory ordering, and/or volunteer sign-ups! Payment may be required for such purchases, as applicable. Please use the links below to complete this important step.

If listed in this section, please click your school to visit the site, submit registration and pay dues.

If your school is listed below and you did not register and pay for PTO under the Nonprofit Groups in SchoolPay please visit > parent > payments > groups to submit registration and dues. On the Payment Center page, click the menu item Nonprofit Groups. Several items should appear for your home school, including options to join the PTO and to order additional school directories.

Once you have completed your PTO registrations, please go back into Skyward Family Access and submit your student's registration application.