Community Backpack
Welcome to Community Backpack, the central posting place for all approved fliers from community organizations. The Community Backpack helps to reduce paper use, decreases the number of items our students carry in their backpacks, and provides a central location for local information as a convenience for our families. Fliers will be posted for a maximum of three weeks. In order for a flier to be posted here, it must meet the requirements defined in District procedures and Board of Education Policy 8:25.
Community Backpack Flier Requirements
The flier must:
Originate from a non-profit agency or group
- Advertise events of interest to students and families
- Take place in our community or an adjoining village
If you are interested in submitting a flier for posting on this page on behalf of a non-profit organization, please review the criteria then complete this online form.
With your submission, please include the following information: organization name, contact name, flier title, requested posting dates (maximum three weeks), and applicable grade levels or ages.