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Department of Technology

The District 181 Technology Department is committed to providing the best tools, training, and infrastructure to support an environment of excellence for all students.

Students and staff have access to a secure, stable, and high performing technology infrastructure as part of a digital learning environment to foster a culture of creativity and innovation. We support over 5,000 client computers and mobile devices along with the wired and wireless networks they utilize.

As part of the Department of Learning, the Technology Department also provides professional development for teachers in the areas of technology proficiency and curricular integration.

Students at Elm Elementary

Matthew Kunesh

Titles: Director of Technology
Locations: District Office
Departments: Tech Connect Committee, Digital Learning
Phone Numbers:
School: 630.861.4900

Robert DuChateau

Titles: Senior Systems Administrator
Locations: District Office
Phone Numbers:
School: 630.861.4900

Michael Frankovic

Titles: Systems Administrator
Locations: District Office
Phone Numbers:
School: 630.861.4900

Timothy Awoyemi

Titles: Help Desk Tech
Locations: Monroe Elementary
Departments: Technology Dept
Phone Numbers:
School: 630.861.4227 ext. 4227

Mayra Anguiano

Titles: Help Desk Technician
Locations: HMS
Departments: Technology Dept
Phone Numbers:
School: 630.861.4775

Enrique Gonzalez

Titles: Help Desk Tech
Locations: Prospect Elementary, Walker Elementary
Phone Numbers:
School: 630.861.4432

Robert Brandon

Titles: Help Desk Technician
Locations: Madison Elementary, Oak Elementary
Phone Numbers:
School: 630.861.4357

Theresa Sisk

Titles: Help Desk Tech
Locations: CHMS
Departments: Technology Dept
Phone Numbers:
School: 630.861.4877 ext. 4877

David Carrano

Titles: Academic Data Specialist, Website Manager
Locations: District Office
Phone Numbers:
School: 630.861.4900