Department of Learning
A Tradition of Educational Excellence
The Department of Learning oversees all curriculum,
assessment, instruction, and student services across the District. The
department collaborates with staff and families to provide an outstanding
educational experience for each child. We invite you to explore the Department of Learning section of our website for more information about student learning in District 181.
District 181 commits to an environment of excellence in education:
- Providing each child a challenging and safe learning
- environment.
- Developing lifelong learners and productive citizens.
- Encouraging creativity.
- Building self-confidence and developing character.
- Demanding continuous improvement.
- Expecting innovation and professional development.
- Assuring accountability.
- Communicating effectively.
- Working with the community in a spirit of collaboration, trust and respect.
An environment of educational excellence will result in:
- Critical thinkers who apply their knowledge and skills to identify, gather, analyze, synthesize and evaluate information to plan action and solve problems.
- Collaborative team members who cooperate and contribute in a variety of settings and roles.
- Effective communicators who are able to express and understand thoughts or ideas in a variety of ways.
- Responsible people who respect diversity, are considerate of others, and accept the consequences of their actions.
- Informed citizens who recognize the importance of democratic principles and understand different social, historical, cultural and environmental perspectives.
DOL Team
Assistant Superintendent of Learning
Dr. Kathleen Robinson
Director of Assessment, Instruction, & Evaluation
Kristin Reingruber
Student/Academic Data Information
Senior Data Systems Manager
Nick Skrip
Academic Data Specialist
David Carrano
Administrative Assistants
Administrative Assistant to Department of Learning
Amy Bishop
Administrative Assistant to Special Education
Erica Giuffre