Academic Success Committee

The Academic Success Committee is a Board committee focused on topics related to teaching and learning. The committee includes three Board members, the Superintendent, the Assistant Superintendent of Learning (or Interims as appropriate), the Assistant Superintendent of Learning (PS), and the Director of Learning (C&I). While this committee structure includes a small number of members, the Board of Education and District administration have a desire to welcome more families and community members to participate in these important conversations. Therefore, greater opportunity for community input is offered through public comment, included at identified times within the committee meetings, as well as at the end of committee meetings.

Teachers and staff are also provided opportunities for involvement and collaboration through an all-staff committee - the Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Advisory Council (CIAAC). This group represents a variety of grade levels and content areas in meetings throughout the year.

Audio recordings of the Academic Success Committee meetings are posted on the District's Livestream site. Following each meeting, a summary is sent to briefly share information on each agenda item that was discussed; past summary documents are posted on this page. The most current ASC Summary is available upon request.

Agendas and Minutes

Please visit BoardDocs for Academic Success Committee agendas and minutes.

ASC Members

  • Committee Chair: Grace Shin, Board Member
  • Co-Chair: William Cotter, Board Vice President
  • Kristin Reingruber, Director of Assessment, Instruction, and Evaluation
  • Dr. Hector Garcia, Superintendent
  • Erica Ekstrom, Assistant Superintendent of Student Services
  • Dr. Kathleen Robinson, Assistant Superintendent of Learning
  • Chaidan Leshinski, Community Member (OMA Certified)
  • Sara Clary, Community Member
  • Jake Wertz, Community Member (OMA Certified)
  • Meg Cooper, Alternate Member

Board Meeting Schedule:

Committee Calendars:

BOE Quicklinks:

Streaming Board Meetings: Live streamed and recorded Board meeting audio is accessed via the service Vimeo.